UVQG Fall Retreat
------------SAVE THE DATE--------------
UVQG's 15th Annual Fall Retreat
November 2-5, 2016 -- Zermatt Resort in Midway
This year's theme is ...
Surprise Party -Registration begins April 20, 2016 at our annual Service Day. $75 deposit required with registration. Open to 102 participants. (Prices: single occupancy 590; double occupancy 415; triple/quad occupancy 375) Must be a member of Utah Valley Quilt Guild. Choose the location of your retreat sewing table pod when you register! (most tables are in pods of six)
We had such a good time last year, let's do it again! Davidene Zimmerman (Chair)
Retreat Reminders
- Article in August 2016 Patchwords
The retreat is November 2 - 5, 2016
Arrive Wednesday morning as early as you would like. You may get into the sewing area Tuesday night at 6PM. Please don't come earlier as we will be setting up.
We would like a few more recipes turned in, but they must be turned in within 1 week.
Also, turn in the answers to your secret sister questions. 1. Favorite treats 2. Favorite color 3. Hobbies other than sewing/quilting 4. Favorite fabric genre 5. Something on your bucket list 6. New quilting technique. Send recipes and answers to: c_n_roberts@msn.com
If you haven't paid your fee, it is now past due. Please get it sent in to Marilyn Hamblen. 3388 W 14400 South, Bluffdale UT 84065
To participate in Pin Cushion exchange, make a "boutique quality" pin cushion and GIFT WRAP it before you get to retreat. We have a way to label them, and we will put them on display after the exchange.
Please bring a show-and-tell quilt with you to retreat for the "Quilt Walk."
Thank you! It's getting closer and the excitement is growing!
Davidene cell: text me at 801-368-3910
Text registration and hotel questions to Marilyn 801-254-6832 or email her ghamblen7@msn.com
------------Retreat Class List Announced--------------
$2/yard fusible web will be available for all projects
1. Make A Wish Table Runner 16" x 38"
$20 Kit from Davidene's Quilt Shop (DQS)
$15 Book from DQS (there are 15 darling patterns in this book)
Pattern is in "Table Please Part One" Art to Heart book
What You Need if you are bringing your own supplies:
1/4 yard aqua fabric for the cake pieces
1/2 yard background fabric
Fat sixteenths or scraps of assorted fabrics for the candles and flames
Fat eighth fabric for the words
Fat quarter fabric for the scallops
2 yard jumbo rick rack
Fusible web
2. Friends Forever Quilting Together 24" x 28"
No Kit available
Pattern: no charge for class members.
Bring scraps to share with each other. The biggest scrap needed is a fat eighth for her dress and a fat eighth of green for stems and leaves.
Fusible web
3. Sweetness 17.5" x 22"
New Skill: Ruching Ruching is a gathered fabric used for a trim.
No Kit available
$5 Pattern from DQS
What You Need to Bring:
1 charm pack that has light, medium and dark squares
1/4 yard plain dark fabric for cake stand. Ruching is not part of the pattern, but has been used in the sample and will be taught as a demo and in class.
1/4 yard solid fabric for binding
2/3 yard backing
Fusible web
4. Cupcake Banner with Hanger and Clothespins 6" x 13"
Embroidery is the quilting for this darling project. There are only 2 layers, the front and batting.
$7 Hangers from DQS
.50 for two clothespins
$1.50 for fabric and embroidery floss. Cupcake is cut out with Accuquilt cutter.
($9.00 for complete kit)