Patchwords Newsletter
Patchwords Advertising Policies and Prices
(Classified Ads are free for members and can run for 2 consecutive months. Business ads are at monthly rates.)
Ads MUST be submitted as .jpg, .png, or .gif image file attachments only via email to the email address below. Please do not send word processor files or embed the ad in the body of your email. Ads may be in color.
All ads must be submitted by the 25th of the month prior to publication.
Patchwords is emailed around the first day of each month, January to November.
Patchwords is emailed to approximately 275 members.
Ads will be posted to our website.
Questions about advertising in Patchwords may be sent to the email address below.
Payment is due prior to publication.
Make checks payable to Utah Valley Quilt Guild.
Send payment to: Utah Valley Quilt Guild c/o Treasurer
Ad Sizes and Prices Per Issue:
Full Page Ad — $40 (portrait orientation) approx. 6.5” x 8”
1/2 Page Ad — $20 (portrait orientation) approx. 3.25” x 4” (landscape orientation) approx. 4” x 6.5”
1/4 Page Ad — $10 (portrait orientation) approx. 3.5” x 4”
[cost to pay by venmo $41, $20.50, $10.30 - Venmo Business: uvqg treasurer]
A full year of advertising, 11 issues, may be purchased at a discount rate. Pay for 10 months, receive the 11th for free.
Ads should be emailed to:
Please enter “Patchwords Ad” in the subject line of your email.