Local Quilt Bees
Quilt Bees in Utah Valley
Our UVQG board decided it would be fun this year to spotlight some of smaller groups, or Bees, within our Guild.
KNOTTS (closed group)
We asked Brenda Sommers, President this year of Knotts, to give us a short introduction at our January meeting. In case you missed it, here are some interesting tidbits about the group.
Did you know that one of our longest established Bees, Knotts, started in 1994? Its name was short for "Kreative North Orem Thimbles and Threads." Quite a mouthful, right? Knotts consists of 35 members who meet at the Jacobs Senior Center in Pleasant Grove. Membership is currently closed due to lack of space. The Knotts keep very busy, meeting weekly to hand and machine quilt together. They usually work on individual projects, but also enjoy occasional group projects such as fabric exchanges or row quilts. They enjoy 2 retreats a year at members' homes. Each year the Knotts provide service to at least 2 groups: they piece and hand-quilt a large quilt for the fund-raiser auction at the Intermountain Health Center (IMC) Holiday Quilt Show; and they also donate a themed basket to the Utah Quilt Fest. As you can see, this fine group is not knotty at all.
Maple Mountain Quilters (open group)
The Maple Mountain Quilters group, 40+ strong, meets in the High Chaparral Room at the Spanish Fork Fairgrounds on the 1st Wednesday of each month September through May. The president this year is Jana Griffin. This Bee welcomes new members of all skill levels. Although most of the members are from southern Utah County, several come from the Provo/Orem area.
This is a fun, active Bee. They hold at least 2 parties a year--a tea party and a Christmas lunch. Each summer they hold a 2-3 day retreat at a member's home. They also select a humanitarian project to participate in every year--Quilts of Valor, Dresses for Africa, comfort pillows, Days for Girls, etc.--and hold a work day to make items for the chosen charity. At the other meetings, members present programs, teach tips and tricks, and show their projects in progress. There is always something fun to look forward to with Maple Mountain!
Piecemakers (open group)
Piecemakers meets in the Springville High School home economics room. Talk about a great location! Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month, Sept.-May, at 7 PM.
The evening I visited, they had a fat quarter drawing, a great show & tell time, and a presentation on quilting tips. The group has an ongoing challenge to finish old quilt projects. Drawings are held three times a year to reward one of the lucky quilters who finished a UFO (unfinished object). Then there is a bigger drawing in November to reward those who finish 3 or more old projects during the year. The group is also doing a spool block exchange, with each member making 14 blocks in an assigned color. At the end, each participant will get 14 different colored spool blocks to make into a quilt.
Each year Piecemakers puts on the July 24 outdoor quilt show in the Jones-Hughes Pioneer Park in Spanish Fork, as part of S.F.'s Fiesta Days. This is a great community service! For more information on this Bee, please contact Amy Williams, president, at 801-794-2638.