“Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you.” Mother Teresa
SERVICE - Organization List
Ideas submitted by various members. Use your own judgment and research in selecting donation organizations.
Note: Some groups may not be collecting some items during covid restrictions.
-Utah County Welcome Baby
-Utah County Veterans Home in Payson - masks, wheelchair bags, other (call to find out current needs)
-Children's Justice Center in Provo
-Food and Care Coalition in Provo - provides transitional housing and needs bedding and quilts
-Project Sanctuary in West Jordan - provides transitional housing and needs bedding and quilts.
-The Refuge in Orem - (previously The Center for Women and Children in Crisis) - shelter services, after care, transitional housing
1433 East 840 North, Orem
(Donations can include office supplies, toiletries, shelter supplies, etc.)
(Donations of fleece blankets and other items for victims of assault at hospital)
-Wrapped in Hugs - quilts for LGBT youth who are struggling (?? no info, contact RevaBeth Russell)
-Shriners Hospital
-Stitching Hearts Worldwide in Pleasant Grove - quilts worldwide, plastic bag sleeping mats, and more
{podcast where Krysti (founder) describes her work and mission. "Do Something More"}
-Dolls of Hope
-Little Lambs Foster
-Quilts for police cars - given to children at accident scenes or displaced from homes, must fit in 2 gallon size ziploc (UQG has sponsored, local Quilts for Kids chapter also sponsors)
{not at this time} -Abbington Senior Center (sewing quilt tops for them to tie and donate to homeless (36 -10 inch squares)
-Newborn quilts (2 matching for stillborns, one for parent and one for burial)
NATIONAL (local chapters or local distribution)
DAYS for GIRLS - Provide much needed feminine hygiene products for girls in impoverished areas throughout the world. daysforgirls.org can donate materials or time, several Utah chapters
Some other local groups that provide menstrual supplies are Freedom Kits of Yakima (Provo Chapter)
Month by Month (Mapleton - Joyce McBride workshops on Tuesday mornings or you can cut, sew, or serge at home)
{UVQG member - Caisa Hess}
Quilts of Valor patriotic quilts for veterans
Stitching Hearts Worldwide - variety of options: tying quilts for refugee camps or fire victims, making masks, making sleeping mats out of plastic grocery bags for homeless or refugees
Festival of Trees - money raised from donated quilts goes to Primary Children's for medical research
{UVQG member - Missy Flint}
Habitat for Humanity - (families we have helped)
Quilts for Kids SLC - We are all volunteers united to make comfort quilts for children ages birth through 22 years living in Utah. Children overcoming life altering disease, violent crime, and disaster receive these quilts for their very own possession. www.quiltsforkidsslc.org {several easy patterns for charity quilts on this website}
Special Dollivery - restores American Girl Dolls, creates outfits for them and then give to children in need to support their imagination and dreams. You can assist by making a doll quilt to go with the doll. (Size should be about 18" x 24") specialdollivery.org
Other charitable organizations; just Google the name to find their websites:
-Little Dresses for Africa – a nonprofit that distributes dresses to girls in remote villages in Africa.
-Camo Quilt Project - provide a camouflage cotton sleeping bag to a serviceman overseas.
-Benjamin Smiles Pillowcases—make a pillowcase for a child undergoing treatment for cancer.
Also Ryan's Case for Smiles (formerly ConKerr Cancer).
-Quilts for Kids—make a quilt for a child suffering from abuse or a life-threatening illness.
-Sew Much Comfort— make some adaptive clothing (Velcro closure) for wounded veterans.
-Newborns in Need—make receiving blankets, burp cloths, or bibs for newborns in need.
-Lutheran World Relief— they are in need of quilts for impoverished people throughout the world.
-The Linus Connection - provide a security blanket for a child in crisis.
OTHER ideas
-wheelchair quilts for rest homes
-fidget lap blankets for rest homes or autism
-adult scarves for nursing center
-fleece blankets for chemo patients
-pillows for cancer patients (dog bone style)
-dog beds for shelter animals
-quilts for refugee families